The Directorate is responsible for support services which include the Secretariat, Typing Services, Archives, Switchboard, Library, Museum, Urban Halls, Legal Services, Human Resources, Employment Equity and Outdoor Advertising. Town Planning, Tourism and Business licencing were transferred to the Planning and Development department.
Introduction to Community and Social Services
The community and social services that the Inkosi Mtubatuba Municipality provides, is managed by the Directorate of Community and Corporate Services respectively. The Directorate of Corporate Services is responsible for library services, community halls and the museum.
The Directorate of Community Services is responsible for municipal cemeteries. There is one crematorium in the Inkosi Mtubatuba municipal area. The Directorate Community Services, is also responsible for initiating and co-ordinating social programmes aimed at HIV/AIDS, the youth, gender issues and the aged.
Core Function
To ensure the rendering of effective and efficient administrative support services, management advisory services
Integrated development planning and community facilitation
Key Performance Areas
- Administer matters related to estates
- Render diverse administrative services
- Render legal support services
- Render human resource management services
- Render management information systems
- Render corporate database systems.
- Ensure and maintain regular strategic planning
- Ensure public participation
Functional Responsibilities
- Management data systems
- Business Analysis & Efficiency
- Corporate database
- Human Resource Management Practices
- Legal Services
- Secretarial Services to Council and Council Committee activities
- Diverse Administrative Management Services with regard to –
- Archive
- Library
- Museum Administration