The Municipal Manager
The Municipal Manager is the accounting officer of the Municipality, providing leadership on issues of governance. The Municipal Manager heads Municipal Governance and is the Chairperson of the Management Committee. He is responsible for the day-to-day management and administration of the Municipality. The Municipal Manager Operates in terms of the relevant section in the Municipal Structures Act, Municipal Systems Act and the Municipal Finance Management Act.
The Municipal Manager is the Accounting Officer of the Municipality. The primary objects of the office of the Municipal Manager include:
- To provide the strategic direction to the municipality.
- To measure, monitor and enhance the performance of the municipality.
- To ensure prompt and clear communication of Council decisions to the communities.
- To accelerate service delivery.
- To provide internal audit and performance management services.
The function and responsibility of the Municipal Manager is cited in the Municipal Systems Act, section 55 as outlined below:
- As head of administration the Municipal Manager of a municipality is, subject to the policy directions of the municipal Council, responsible and accountable for:
- the formation and development of an economical, effective, efficient, and accountable administration.
- equipped to carry out the task of implementing the municipality’s integrated development plan in accordance with Chapter 5.
- operating in accordance with the municipality’s performance management system in accordance with Chapter 6; and
- responsive to the needs of the local community to participate in the affairs of the municipality.
- the management of the municipality’s administration in accordance with this Act and other legislation applicable to the municipality:
- the implementation of the municipality’s integrated development plan, and the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan:
- the management of the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner.
- the appointment of staff other than those referred to in section 56, subject to the Employment Equity Act, 1998 (Act No. 55 of 1998);
- the management, effective utilization, and training of staff
- the maintenance of discipline of staff
- the promotion of sound labor relations and compliance by the municipality with applicable labor legislation.
- advising the political structures and political office bearers of the municipality
- managing communications between the municipality’s administration and its political structures and political office bearers:
- carrying out the decisions of the political structures and political office bearers of the municipality.
- the administration and implementation of the municipality’s by-laws and other legislation.
- the exercise of any powers and the performance of any duties delegated by the municipal Council, or sub-delegated by other delegating authorities of the municipality, to the municipal manager
- facilitating participation by the local community in the affairs of the municipality.
- developing and maintaining a system whereby community satisfaction with municipal services is assessed.
- the implementation of national and provincial legislation applicable to the municipality; and
- the performance of any other function that may be assigned by the municipal Council.
- As accounting officer of the municipality, the Municipal Manager is responsible and accountable for:
- all income and expenditure of the municipality.
- all assets and the discharge of all liabilities of the municipality; and
- proper and diligent compliance with applicable municipal finance management legislation.
Under the Municipal Managers Officer, we have the following sub-units:
- Public Participation
- Communications
- Mayoral Affairs
- Youth and Sports Developments
- Operation Sukuma Sakhe
- Special Programs
Municipal Manager Foreword
As the Accounting Officer of the Municipality, it gives me great pleasure to make this submission as the foreword of this public platform which seeks to take the public on board in respect of the service delivery agenda of the municipality. Firstly, I wish to thank the iNkosi Mtubatuba Council to entrust me with such responsibilities, to lead this institution. I am grateful to you Hon. Mayor Cllr Mthethwa, Deputy Mayor Cllr NA Mthethwa and to you Speaker of Council Cllr. SJ Shezi.
I am tasked to lead iNkosi Mtubatuba Municipality as an Acting Municipal Manager the 4th of February 2022 to April 2022. The Municipality has a responsibility to change its status quo in terms of fast-tracking its service delivery. It is with great pleasure that I offered this opportunity as I have been part of the team since January 2020 employed as Chief Operating Officer.
The municipality has performed remarkably well in gaining the confidence of its communities through accelerated service delivery implementation of its core functions, namely waste removal, roads maintenance, provision of temporal shelter etc. Furthermore, the municipality has put in place very effective oversight mechanisms through the establishment of the Municipal Public Accounts Committee, which to date has carried out its oversight function very successfully. Judging from the many positive developments that this municipality has achieved which far outweigh the negative perceptions that had in the past become synonymous with the Municipality, it can be safely said that the municipality has indeed turned the corner.
We have developed a new Draft IDP for term 2021-2026 which serves as a service delivery master plan of the municipality. With a solid foundation having been laid, communities can have assurance that their needs as planned for in the IDP will be turned into tangible deliverables. What is even more encouraging is that the municipality has puts its communities first by making sure that service delivery projects account for +50% of the budget.
As the municipality continues to strive for the best, we are very mindful of the fact that there are still some communities who are still eagerly waiting the opportunity to be afforded basic services. In this regard, the municipality will work tirelessly with all the spheres and sectors of government to reach these communities. Where a service is being provided, there will always be inadequacies and dissatisfactions, and as a such, the municipality is looking at establishing a fully-fledged Customer Care Unit that will receives all complaints from communities and channels such complaints to the relevant authorities for redress.
Of note, was the visit by the Auditor General and the commitment made by the Leadership and the Administration in ensuring that the audit status of the municipality is geared towards a clean audit by 2022/23 FY, a target which undoubtedly is achievable if the municipality sticks to its commitments. Finally, all these achievements are attributed to the commitment made by the administration and the Councillors as well as the stable political climate in our Municipality. As we pursue our service delivery agenda, we will never take our communities for granted and most importantly never again will the municipality be found wanting on issues of compliance…That’s for sure.
I thank you.